andalousie espagne

Cadiz is one of those cities you don’t expect much from, but it leaves you with a desire to return. On my first post-Covid trip, I fell in love with it from the first moments. A city with Andalusian charm, but small and quiet, where taking the time to recharge is exactly what I needed at that moment. Often overlooked in favor of its larger sisters, Seville or Granada, it is nevertheless a destination worthy of at least a day’s visit. Discover what to see in Cadiz?

Cadiz in a nutshell

The city of Cadiz is like a long arm reaching out into the Mediterranean Sea, a historic Andalusian port city, a hub for multiple civilizations for over 3,000 years.

Located in the south of Spain, it is the capital of the province that bears its name. Not far away, Huelva, Tarifa, and especially Seville also attract tourists.

In Berber and Phoenician, Gadir means “castle” or “fortress.” Its name has evolved over the centuries to become Cadiz in Spanish.

The city, which boasts over 100 viewpoints, loses residents every day, who prefer its lower rents in nearby cities or who leave for larger cities due to the lack of job opportunities.

Its port and tourism are the two economic sectors that keep the city alive.

It must be said that Cadiz is not lacking in charm with its palm trees, colorful facades, historical heritage, the typical accent of its inhabitants, its delicious cuisine, and its bay from which Halle Berry emerges in Die Another Day.

What to see in Cadiz? 10 must-see places

Cadiz is a city to be visited slowly, savoring the Andalusian way of life. Here are 10 places not to miss.

1. Cathedral

Tourists feel tiny in front of the facade of this imposing monument. Its dazzling whiteness charms from the first moment, as does its perfect symmetry. While this exterior beauty captivated me, the interior disappointed me.

However, it is absolutely necessary to visit it to enjoy the view from one of its towers. From here, Cadiz unfolds before the eyes of the curious. Its white houses stretch into the distance. On the other side, it’s the blue of the sea as far as the eye can see.

que faire à cadix
que faire à cadix
que faire à cadix

2. Plaza San Juan de Dios

The terraces of the bars, Carrefour Express, McDonald’s, the Town Hall, and the nearby hotels make Plaza San Juan de Dios a must-visit meeting place for both locals and tourists.

This large pedestrian square lined with palm trees, dating back to the 16th century, is the oldest in the city.

what to see in cadiz

3. Monumento de la Constitución

On one side, the allegorical figures of agriculture, and on the other of citizenship. The Constitution Monument, also called Monumento de las Cortes, is located in the gardens of Plaza de España, where you can take a break in the sun.

4. Popola Neighborhood

It’s the historic quarter of Cadiz, the oldest in the city, a labyrinth of narrow streets that provide shelter from the sun. It’s not short of lovely discoveries: walls, churches, a Roman theater, quirky streets, and charming bars.

que faire à cadix
what to see in cadiz
qué ver en cadiz

5. La Viña Neighborhood

White streets that dazzle, palm trees, churches, and unassuming restaurants. In this neighborhood, anyone feels like a true gaditano. It’s the perfect area for lunch or dinner, surrounded by locals.

qué ver en cadiz

If you prefer to explore the city while being guided, here are 3 excursions made for you:

6. Génoves Park

It’s Cadiz’s park, a small green space dating back to the 18th century. Surrounded by the walls of the old town, it’s very close to the sea. It’s home to dozens of different species, but it’s especially its waterfall that will catch your attention.

what to see in cadiz

7. San Sebastian and Santa Catalina Castles

Cadiz has two castles: Castillo de San Sebastian, open to the public, and Castillo de Santa Catalina, a cultural space.

To reach the former, you have to take a narrow path over the water that offers magnificent landscapes and contrasts between the blue of the sea and the sandy and rocky terrain that is visible at low tide.

The latter is a fortification located on La Caleta Beach. Built at the end of the 16th century, it has a star-shaped structure. Of great cultural interest, it served as a military prison.

andalousie espagne
qué ver en cadiz

8. Beaches

The most famous beach in Cadiz is La Caleta. It’s a small stretch of sand tucked between the two castles. Close to the city center, it’s very popular.

For me, it’s the perfect beach to watch the sunset from a terrace table or sitting on the passage that leads to Castillo de San Sebastián, but not really to lay down a towel.

what to see in cadiz

I prefer Santa Maria Beach, which is also not very far from the center. During the week, it’s not very crowded.

A little further away, you’ll find Victoria Beach and Cortadura Beach. They are also accessible on foot if you enjoy walking. On these stretches of sand, there’s less chance of encountering tourists since they are located in residential neighborhoods, not touristy at all.

que faire à cadix
qué ver en cadiz
what to see in cadiz

9. Gran Teatro Falla

The theater owes its name to the city’s star, Manuel de Falla. In Mudéjar style, the facade of this central place during the carnival attracts all eyes.

qué ver en cadiz

10. Abastos Market

The market is the ideal place to feel the pulse of the city, stock up on fresh products, especially fish and seafood, and taste the city’s specialties.

How many days to visit Cadiz?

You can easily plan a single day to visit Cadiz during a road trip in Andalusia. However, I recommend spending at least a weekend there to enjoy its way of life, its beaches, and its culinary specialties.

Nothing prevents you from spending more time on a real seaside vacation. If, like me, you’re also a digital nomad, why not stay there for several weeks to mix work and relaxation at the beach.

What to see in Cadiz in 1 day?

If you have little time to visit Cadiz, you can easily enjoy the essentials in 1 day:

  • The cathedral: admire it from the outside before exploring its interior
  • Plaza San Juan de Dios: enjoy its terraces for a coffee break
  • Barrio Popola: get lost in its charming streets
  • Abastos Market: stroll through its aisles before having lunch
  • The castles: discover the two castles overlooking the sea
  • La Caleta: enjoy the sunset on a terrace
  • Barrio La Viña: dine in this pleasant neighborhood

What to see in Cadiz in 2 days?

Spending a weekend in Cadiz is an excellent idea to be able to discover the city calmly, enjoy the nightlife, and also take a stroll on the beach.

Day 1:

  • The cathedral: admire it from the outside before exploring its interior
  • Plaza San Juan de Dios: enjoy its terraces for a coffee break
  • Abastos Market: stroll through its aisles before having lunch
  • The castles: discover the two castles overlooking the sea
  • La Caleta: enjoy the sunset on a terrace
  • Barrio La Viña: dine in this pleasant neighborhood

Day 2:

  • Constitution Monument: take a leisurely walk in the park while admiring this imposing monument
  • Gran Teatro Falla: walk to the famous theater in the city
  • Parque Genoves: enjoy a moment of relaxation in THE city park
  • Barrio Popola: have lunch in the main neighborhood of the city
  • Beaches: choose one of Cadiz’s beaches to enjoy the sun

When to go to Cadiz?

If you struggle with heat, it’s best to avoid going to Cadiz from June to August.

For beach enjoyment, it’s advisable not to go in winter.

There are two periods of the year to enjoy the city: from April to June and from September to October.

How to get to Cadiz?

The closest airports are Seville and Jerez. Many direct flights from other Spanish cities or European cities land at these airports.

It’s also possible to travel to Cadiz by train from several Spanish cities. You can check the schedules here.

Of course, many bus companies also pass through the town.

Finally, you can also arrive by car. This is actually a perfect option if you’re planning a road trip in Andalusia. If you don’t have a vehicle, consider renting one!

How to get around in Cadiz?

Cadiz is a fairly small city, and you’ll likely be accommodated quite close to the city center, if not right in the center itself. Therefore, you can do everything on foot.

In any case, you can also rely on the city’s transportation system. And of course, it’s possible to get around by taxi.

Where to stay in Cadiz?

The Popola neighborhood is the best place to stay in Cadiz. Indeed, all the attractions are just a few meters away. Moreover, it’s ideal for enjoying the city’s atmosphere, especially at night.

Be a digital nomad in Cadiz

Cadix isn’t really a popular destination for digital nomads. You might not find a large community, but if that’s not a deterrent for you, it will surely be a good destination.

Sun, beach, and good cuisine will be enough to make your stay enjoyable in this small town. There are many cafés with Wi-Fi to work from. There are also a few co-working spaces. However, there are no co-living options in the city.

Be a responsible traveler in Cadiz

As everywhere in the world, it’s important to travel responsibly to take care of the planet and local populations. Here are some ideas for eco-friendly actions:

  • Use eco-friendly sunscreen.
  • Pick up trash on the beach.
  • Choose accommodation that takes measures for the environment.
  • Frequent bars and restaurants run by locals.
  • Shop at the market.
  • Buy seasonal products.
  • Learn about waste sorting rules.
  • Learn some Spanish words.

Be a POC in Cadiz

The experience of each person of color is, of course, different from one person to another. Being of South Asian origin, I encountered absolutely no problems during my 15-day stay in the city.

I hope this article “What to See in Cadiz?” will help you prepare for your next stay in this sublime city.

Feel free to share it on Pinterest to help other travelers!

things to do in cadiz
things to do in cadiz
things to do in cadiz

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